Category: #FBF

Where have I been?: #FBF

About a month ago, I asked my Facebook friends for blog inspiration. I said they could ask me any question they wanted and the answer might appear on my blog. For the most part, this was an attempt for me to get over the writer’s block that plagued my summer, but one of my friends gave me a kick in…

My season with the Atlanta Dream: #FBF

Tonight is the last home game of the 2014 Atlanta Dream season. For a fun twist to #FBF, here are some reflections from my season as a Dream Elite! Moving to Atlanta four years ago was not exactly an exciting adventure for me. I was moving away from the home I had built for myself in Birmingham, and putting extra…

Criticizing the service, missing out on worship: #FBF

This post was originally featured on Call and Response, a blog sponsored by Duke Divinity’s Faith & Leadership program. Two years after I wrote this post, I find myself searching for ways to extend learning and mentoring relationships so that there is a place for the young, energetic minister and the wise, seasoned minister (maybe even from different churches!) to…